PLEASE BE AWARE – All our replicas are blunt and intended for ornamental display or historical interest only. Nothing we sell is recommended or suitable for combat and such use is strictly prohibited.
The Henry Rifle of 1860 was an important breakthrough in repeater technology. The lever action ejection of spent shells and loading of a fresh allowing multiple shots without reloading became the standard for rifles for the next 40 years. The rounds were loaded into the spring-loaded under barrel with 15 and one in the breech.
The Henry has initially adopted by the Union army in the US Civil War but many later found their way into the hands of Cheyenne and Sioux warriors and were used to decimate General Custer's cavalry at the Battle of Little Bighorn thus earning historical notoriety and paving the way for the introduction of the Winchester.
Price includes rifle.
You can WIN this item on our Weekly Bonus Ball competitions. If you win Pick A Gold you can choose this as your Prize! Enter over at www.WinWithSkippy.co.uk and use coupon code GEEKYPUNT25 to get 25% Off your first £10+ order!
Over 18s only. Please be aware, if you are a new customer we will need to see age verification before sending your order. This is not necessary for returning/registered customers. Please send us a photo of relevant ID (such as Driving Licence or Passport showing Date of Birth) at time of purchase by email to help@theswordstall.co.uk or WhatsApp 07932 932801.
The item is a replica weapon. It is designed to resemble in shape, size, weight and basic functionality the firearm it represents. It has basic working parts and/or removable parts and is a genuine Europe made item. The replica comes in its factory card box. Whilst this replica can be cocked and ‘dry fired’, it cannot fire, nor can it be altered to fire live rounds. These are not intended to be used outside of your private residence and frequent use and or rough play may result in damage to the item.
This replica is classed as a Real Imitation Firearm and has restrictions on it's purchase. We encourage you to watch the video for information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnCJfZ_RYJc&t=18s
You must be over 18 and meet one of the below criteria to purchase:
- Be a member of a relevant cosplay/re-enactment group that is covered by Public Liability Insurance
- Be using the replica in a film or theatre production
- Be modifying the replica to be at least 50% bright blue, green or orange
As a timely side note, we are accepting new members into TheSwordStall.co.uk’s Cosplay Horde (which is a relevant re-enactment/cosplay group that is covered by Public Liability Insurance). Annual membership for Over 18s is £10. Join us here: https://theswordstall.co.uk/hordemembership