PLEASE BE AWARE – All our replicas are blunt and intended for ornamental display or historical interest only. Nothing we sell is recommended or suitable for combat and such use is strictly prohibited.
Bestowed to Jon Snow by Commander Mormont of the Nights Watch, the sword Longclaw is a priceless sword of Valyrian Steel – an irreplaceable relic of an earlier, legendary age. Jon, a bastard son of House Stark, was born unable to inherit land and glory; He would have to earn it on his own at the grim, frozen borderlands that are the keep of the ever-vigilant Nights Watch. The gift of Longclaw by seasoned Commander Mormont is proof that Jon has begun to make his mark upon the world.
Now you can own this full metal, replica, collectible Letter Opener of the most iconic sword from Game of Thrones.
Over 18s only. Please be aware, if you are a new customer we will need to see age verification before sending your order. This is not necessary for returning/registered customers. Please send us a photo of relevant ID (such as Driving Licence or Passport showing Date of Birth) at time of purchase by email to help@theswordstall.co.uk or WhatsApp 07932 932801.